Casie’s giving Britney a run for her money
Though the pictures are a little more funny
It’s like she’s in Real World Beantown
Or maybe it should be called Survivor: Boston’s Going Down
All the stories include liquor, butt cracks, lesbians and the occasional dead bunny
The Attorney General is the latest to lie
Covering up for a corrupt administration by and by
Speedy Gonzalez is as crooked as the rest
He must’ve aced the lie detector test
W said, “You know, my little Mexican buddy, you have to be the fall guy”
Apparently Anna Nicole died of a drug overdose
Also, this just in, asparagus with milk is gross
Our media has a firm grasp on obvious stuff
When they aren’t taking pictures of Paris Hilton’s muff
And passing it off as news with which we should be engrossed
Misconduct and errors have befallen Dell
Somewhere, No Neck Monster is saying, “What the hell?!
I founded the company and was a 9/11 hero
Only now to see the stock go to zero?
It’s time to take the CEO to a Bulls game and convince him to sell"
A trespassing chick masturbator, what the hay?!
Surprised the frat reaction wasn’t, “Dude, this is A-OK!”
You can call this chick “The Ecstasy Wolverine”
Breaking into Michigan with an act that’s obscene
Will has put up the first bid for the couches on eBay
Limerick Friday I
Limerick Friday II
Limerick Friday III
Limerick Friday IV
Limerick Friday V
Limerick Friday VI
Limerick Friday VII
Best of … Limerick Friday
Limerick Friday IX
Limerick Friday X
Limerick Friday XI
Limerick Friday XII
Limerick Friday XIII
Limerick Friday XIV
Limerick Friday XV
Limerick Friday XVI
Limerick Friday XVII
Limerick Friday XVIII
Limerick Friday XIX
Limerick Friday XX
Limerick Friday XXI
Limerick Friday XXII
Limerick Friday XXIII
Limerick Friday XXIV