Thursday, February 08, 2007

"Lost" v. 3.5: Let The Games Begin

Thinking out loud after last night's premiere of "Lost" ...

So the girl that saved them is the daughter of Rousseau and Ben? If so, was Rousseau exiled into the jungle for some reason by Ben? Is she sane enough to play a role later in the show?

What will Juliet’s punishment be for killing one of the “Others”? Will Ben really allow her to finally get off the island after three years? What is the “past” that Ben and Juliet share?

What are they going to do with Jack now that he has performed the surgery? Is Ben willing to basically trade him for Juliet?

Next week’s preview gives away the fact that they did, indeed, let Sawyer and Kate cross the two miles across the ocean back to the original island. Part of the show would be over if they simply heeded Jack’s wishes and let him martyr himself back on the Others’ island, but how did they intend on mounting an attack/prisoner release?

How did the co-op/commune pursuing Juliet as a doctor factor into killing her ex-husband with a bus crash? Did they truly make it happen simply because she mentioned it in a mildly longing way? What is the relevance of Portland and how is this organization tied into the Dharma Initiative? It appears that Juliet was forcibly moved to Portland, but how did she then get to the island(s)? Was her sister truly left behind? What is Ethan’s role in all of this since he seems to pop up everywhere?

In the opening scene, Juliet is giving her sister a shot and then looks out the window to reveal Miami and an extremely low-flying airplane. Was this plane also about to crash?

How did Sawyer know who Carl was? I know they had some type of interaction earlier on, but what was that about? And what was the sensory overload/hypnosis experiment being performed on Carl? What was the goal or objective of that?

What type of research was Juliet doing that people were so interested in that it could cost lives? What was the affliction affecting her sister that made it so improbable that she would be pregnant? Did her sister have cancer?

We still have no idea what happened to Walt and Michael. For that matter, there was no mention or peek-in at any of the crash survivors at all.

“Ever since the sky turned purple” … what does this mean?

Is anyone else still fascinated/fixated on that enormous four-toed statue that we saw last season? For that matter, the black smoke? The polar bear? The ghosts?

Do the writers expect us to simply forget Michael and Walt? We hardly heard from Sayid in the mini-season, not to mention Jin and Sun? How about Bernard and Rose -- are they still alive? What of Hurley and Locke?

Obviously, it was an action-packed premiere to the “season 3.5” of 16 straight new episodes after a long, lost winter, but as is par for the course with this show, it raised more questions than answers. The flashbacks continue to be a key and useful device for building character, but this episode needed to catch us up more on the essential characters and roles instead of giving us Juliet’s backstory. I hope they address the original survivors a little more in the next episode and start to give us some insight into how all of these webs are connected …

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michael was written off the show, he's supposed to make a few appearances but for the most part he's done. I'm sure we'll see Walt a bit more.

Juliet was obviously working on some sort of asexual reproduction.

at least we got some more answers then usual in this episode...