Friday, June 08, 2007

Limerick Friday XXXIII: Paris Leaves Jail Before Planned Girlfight Shower Scene

From a posh hotel to 45 days in the clink for a stupid heiress
But three days in jail was enough for that no-talent Paris
I guess that’s justice in our ass-backwards USA
With enough money and cameras you never have to pay
If it was up to me they’d send her to Abu Ghraib with Momar and Housharis

Brought in a new quarterback named Trent
Told Culpepper basically to go get bent
Do we finally have a QB who can complete a pass
Without repeatedly falling on his ass?
I’m still wondering where the hell poor Joey Harrington went

They cry and they plead and they whine
The entire San Antonio Spurs team acts asinine
They flop more than Shane Battier
But they represent today’s NBA
“The NBA, it’s fantastic” was once a helluva line

There once was a Nadal named Rafael
Playing tennis against him on clay was pure hell
He looked funny wearing girls’ capris
But he hit winner after winner with a breeze
One arm is twice as big as the other, if you couldn’t tell

If you’re going to see “Knocked Up,” save your money
Basically, it was “40-Year-Old Virgin” without the funny
I saw it because I’m smitten with Katherine Heigl
I once had a rye bagel they called a byegel
The flick sucked and there was a birth scene you won’t want to see with your honey


Limerick Friday I

Limerick Friday II

Limerick Friday III

Limerick Friday IV

Limerick Friday V

Limerick Friday VI

Limerick Friday VII

Best of … Limerick Friday

Limerick Friday IX

Limerick Friday X

Limerick Friday XI

Limerick Friday XII

Limerick Friday XIII

Limerick Friday XIV

Limerick Friday XV

Limerick Friday XVI

Limerick Friday XVII

Limerick Friday XVIII

Limerick Friday XIX

Limerick Friday XX

Limerick Friday XXI

Limerick Friday XXII

Limerick Friday XXIII

Limerick Friday XXIV

Limerick Friday XXV

Limerick Friday XXVI

Limerick Friday XXVII

Limerick Friday XXVIII

Limerick Friday XXIX

Limerick Friday XXX

Limerick Friday XXXI

Limerick Friday XXXII


Anonymous said...

Is this finally the end of such a lame game?

Anonymous said...

Somebody rhymed "lame" and "game." But it looks like Scooter is the only one who can do it more than once ... what a "shame."

Anonymous said...

What a jackass, sorry scooter, I know there is nothing sadder than someone visiting your site who isn't creative enough to write a limerick. Makes you wunder why they are their in the first place?

Former coworkers ignoring pointless blogs
Some hang out at home on the couch and saw logs
No bright ideas or career advice
Except to watch "Lost" and check for lice
This site's OK, the others are about as good as a dogs

Anonymous said...

Nah, never an end to Scooter's game
I'm guessing busy working is all that's to blame
We all got work assigned from corporate above
But I'm here to show Scooter some platonic love
At least I have the balls to show my name

Scooter said...

Wow, Anonymous has returned with a flurry
I guess he's done playing with his Chewbacca so furry
Thanks to Paul for taking my side
He's Short Round to my Indy with pride
Tip for Anonymous: sniffing glue after pounding knishes makes your vision blurry