Friday, March 30, 2007

Limerick Friday XXV: Bunnies, Wolverines and Monsters, Oh My!

Casie’s giving Britney a run for her money
Though the pictures are a little more funny
It’s like she’s in Real World Beantown
Or maybe it should be called Survivor: Boston’s Going Down
All the stories include liquor, butt cracks, lesbians and the occasional dead bunny

The Attorney General is the latest to lie
Covering up for a corrupt administration by and by
Speedy Gonzalez is as crooked as the rest
He must’ve aced the lie detector test
W said, “You know, my little Mexican buddy, you have to be the fall guy”

Apparently Anna Nicole died of a drug overdose
Also, this just in, asparagus with milk is gross
Our media has a firm grasp on obvious stuff
When they aren’t taking pictures of Paris Hilton’s muff
And passing it off as news with which we should be engrossed

Misconduct and errors have befallen Dell
Somewhere, No Neck Monster is saying, “What the hell?!
I founded the company and was a 9/11 hero
Only now to see the stock go to zero?
It’s time to take the CEO to a Bulls game and convince him to sell"

A trespassing chick masturbator, what the hay?!
Surprised the frat reaction wasn’t, “Dude, this is A-OK!”
You can call this chick “The Ecstasy Wolverine”
Breaking into Michigan with an act that’s obscene
Will has put up the first bid for the couches on eBay


Limerick Friday I

Limerick Friday II

Limerick Friday III

Limerick Friday IV

Limerick Friday V

Limerick Friday VI

Limerick Friday VII

Best of … Limerick Friday

Limerick Friday IX

Limerick Friday X

Limerick Friday XI

Limerick Friday XII

Limerick Friday XIII

Limerick Friday XIV

Limerick Friday XV

Limerick Friday XVI

Limerick Friday XVII

Limerick Friday XVIII

Limerick Friday XIX

Limerick Friday XX

Limerick Friday XXI

Limerick Friday XXII

Limerick Friday XXIII

Limerick Friday XXIV


Anonymous said...

i knew there had to be at least one
opened myself up for some pokes of fun
its off to raleigh for this girl today
can't wait for warm weather i gotta say
is it warm enough to lay in the sun?

Scooter said...

Got laid off, but didn’t get a bit sad
They were miffed that I seemed sorta glad
They thought I would be pissed a bunch
The reality is they barely beat me to the punch
To sit in a cube all day doing nothing would’ve driven me mad

Anonymous said...

Everyone's as quiet as a churchmouse
Wonder if Will has moved into his new house
The neighbors will be in for a shock
When they see the new homo-owner with a blowup doll of Dr. Spock
In her pictures, Casie's friends all seem to be looking down her blouse

Will said...

Anonymous is a twit,
his rhymes have little whit,
counts blessings his wife hasn't left for the garbage man,
who gets up for work and doesn't spend his day playing packman,
relates to packman's appetite and the pimple he calls a dick.

Will said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scooter said...

Anonymous is an unemployed slug
As subtle and attractive as a butt plug
Leave Casie out of your pointless rhymes
As you sleep underneath a copy of the New York Times
Remember that this is your own jobless hole that you dug

flightblog said...

Scooter, I hear ya man
Sitting in a cube is not in my plan
An expatriate photojournalist I might become
Or flying yuppie tourist around for a small sum
Look me up if you're ever in the Republic of the Sudan