Casually dropped a grumpy in the middle of a meeting one time
Heartbroken by an account manager who looked like Fred Dryer in his prime
Unlucky in love made her unleash a forlorn Wookie roar
Then she chased poor Jud all the way to his front door
He called the cops to say, “Linda Tripp’s in my driveway sipping Zima and lime”
Another Guru.com project that made me shake my head
“Knowledge of SEO and keyword density necessary,” it said
Wanted a content developer for an adult dating site
Shady as hell like MSI clients for whom we used to write
Such topics led to the first Pat-Literace meeting in bed

A “Lost” season finale to make your head spin
Now it’s several months of questions again
Who took over the island from Ben the Other?
What became of Penny and Desmond, brother?
Was surprised the character of Walt was portrayed by Greg Oden
Misunderstood Ricky couldn’t lay off the weed
So it’s another tailback the Dolphins do need
Where’s Cecil Collins when things go wrong?
Somewhere passing Sammy Smith a bong
Don’t fumble the bong water is the advice to heed
Wishes for a terrific Memorial Day I send
As summer lies just around the bend
Hope for waves that are more curl than foam-y
Have a few beers and pour one out for your homey
Do what it takes to enjoy a great holiday weekend

Limerick Friday I
Limerick Friday II
Limerick Friday III
Limerick Friday IV
Limerick Friday V
Limerick Friday VI
Limerick Friday VII
Best of … Limerick Friday
Limerick Friday IX
Limerick Friday X
Limerick Friday XI
Limerick Friday XII
Limerick Friday XIII
Limerick Friday XIV
Limerick Friday XV
Limerick Friday XVI
Limerick Friday XVII
Limerick Friday XVIII
Limerick Friday XIX
Limerick Friday XX
Limerick Friday XXI
Limerick Friday XXII
Limerick Friday XXIII
Limerick Friday XXIV
Limerick Friday XXV
Limerick Friday XXVI
Limerick Friday XXVII
Limerick Friday XXVIII
Limerick Friday XXIX
Limerick Friday XXX
It's true that Chewie slung a deuce
Stunk so bad I began to craft a noose
Mark Harmon starred as Mr. Shoop
Which has nothing to do with that sasquatch's poop
As her turd cutter finished it's business she exclaimed "the moose is loose!"
Paris is on her way to jail
Methinks that Hilton will soon meet a she-malee
See ya Paris, keep on trucking
Sorry to hear about the unconsensual scissor fucking
Nothing is too bad for that gal
Poor Casie had quite a bad flight
with US Air she was about to fight
Then she remember a trick used by the Hutt
The one with the enormous butt
A company-wide email will set things right!
Will is still looking for love
And Zhao for the elusive NES glove
They need to meet more skeezers
Who are people-pleasers
So maps of Hawaii they can make from above
look up Map of Hawaii in the urban dictionary if you are confused
eww...brent, how sick
what a dirty dirty limerick
Why do you have so many different metaphores for Sperm?
Maps of Hawaii? How do you even know that term?
And what the hell's a skeezer, you dipstick?
happy to have brent back
love when he starts talking smack
customer service has not been my friend
first us air and now msn
ready to go home and drink a 12 pack
another friday passes with people missing
unable to enjoy the MSI reminiscing
did they already start their memorial day break?
three days off to drink beer and eat steak
will no response to brent's hilarious dissing?
casie likes it when Brent talks smack,
but calls it whack when i'm on the attack,
I don't hit the jokes like the Brent-myster,
but I'm no Spinster,
when it comes to smokin jokes like Whitney smokes crack.
will you know that is not true
its just that sometimes brent is funnier than you
you are always calling evan fat
and telling anonymous he's a brat
i just requested some material that's new
where is steve these past few weeks
off flying over hills and mountain peaks
did his mom yell at him for flying a plane
punish him like michael fay with a bamboo cane
this limerick stinks so bad it reaks
ok that's all i got. have a great weekend
Have a good 3 day weekend to all
Last limerick today from Paul
Getting off work at three
Going home, from work I flee
Sorry for my last limerick to be so dull
steve is flying his tiny plane
I'm in love with Sergio, says jane
grimace is a big fat grape
purple from his butt is wiped
i'm out of got damned limericks and the guy at playmakers hooked me up with a couple of rounds have a great memorial day weekend ya bastards
Good limerick showing today from all
Scrambling for a globe was Paul
Sorry to hear of Casie's delays
And Zhao and Will's sad lack of lays
At least Anonymous didn't show up to say Evan shops at Big 'n' Tall
Have a great weekend, everybody!
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