Fellow bloggers should be embarrassed by this week
Your efforts on your sites can only be called meek
From Will, no tales of his disturbing “bachelor” pad
From Casie, no drunken stories that drive a hobbit mad
Next week, try to be creative instead of weak
Florida picked up another championship ring
For the Buckeyes, that’s got to be quite a sting
In basketball, the Gators won back to back
In football, they treated Ohio State like a hacky sack
Now Noah is about to be named the Neanderthal French king
The Mounties have their sights set on the Mark, it seems
The Martin Clan seems to have a penchant for crime scenes
It’s serious if Canada is digging around down this way
Asking, “What do you know about this jackass, eh?”
I do have to say that dude looked creepy when he saw Kya’s high beams
The Masters is underway and getting into full swing
A lot to enjoy even if golf just ain’t your thing
You have to love “Hello, friends” and Magnolia Lane
And Jim Nance crying as he discusses swing plane
And even trying to figure out, “What the hell is Vijay Singh?”
Stealing is a crime, this is true
Forgot about credit where credit is due
You’ve made an art out of how to plagiarize
Now, just admit that you’re into guys
Or is that another final gift, too?
Limerick Friday I
Limerick Friday II
Limerick Friday III
Limerick Friday IV
Limerick Friday V
Limerick Friday VI
Limerick Friday VII
Best of … Limerick Friday
Limerick Friday IX
Limerick Friday X
Limerick Friday XI
Limerick Friday XII
Limerick Friday XIII
Limerick Friday XIV
Limerick Friday XV
Limerick Friday XVI
Limerick Friday XVII
Limerick Friday XVIII
Limerick Friday XIX
Limerick Friday XX
Limerick Friday XXI
Limerick Friday XXII
Limerick Friday XXIII
Limerick Friday XXIV
Limerick Friday XXV
i will admit my blog postings have been nil
but i still post more than will
guess i have nothing important to say
too much work and not enough play
hey i am contributing to limerick friday still
Yet another national title for the Gators
Impressive, but lump me in with the haters
As a caveman, Joahkim Noah isn’t a Geico fan
Even though he was excellent in “Juwanna Mann”
He is to thugs what Anonymous is to masturbators
Will doesn't think much of Elaine
He's used to Greenville pigs slopping in the rain
As to his bacheler pad
It's more than a little sad
He doesn't post b/c he's hiding his pain
How can this not be hot
a 45 yr old's body she has not
Will must be crazy
or his glasses hazey
Posting this week, I have Not.
Friday Night Lights is the best show on TV
If you don’t believe it, just ask Literace
He’ll tell you straight out in someone else’s words
Because his own writing is shitty and for the birds
He once played Tinker Bell because he’s a lying fairy
The subject of this rhyme
Is that Zow gets fake e-mails half the time
The other half diss him on IM
Without the chance to play Galaga with them
That's the way the fortune cookie crumbles, Sum Young Zime
I wish everyone a wonderful Easter
Marco used to say, “Roll up windows, meester!”
It’s a day for chocolate and eggs
Watching the Masters and hitting kegs
So have a great weekend and enjoy your Sunday feast-er
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