Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Day 80, Quasi-Quarantine: Re-Creating The Star Wars Lego Droid Escape Pod

As we reached the dog days of quasi-quarantine, we began the process of rebuilding Star Wars Lego sets that we own that have been destroyed, cannibalized, or otherwise disintegrated. Our first escapade in this movement, fittingly, involved the escape pod.

A retired product, the droid escape pod captures an iconic moment in the Star Wars saga. The set comes in at just 197 pieces, but comes with four minifigures: C-3PO, R2-D2, and two Jawas.

This droid escape pod set is unique from previous versions that had a more tapered design and included stormtroopers and swoop bikes. This version folds up to highlight its recognizable shape, but folds out to reveal an interior that has a few nice details. C-3PO and R2-D2 each have distinct sitting areas with a rudimentary control panel as part of an entire piece that can be easily removed and used for other transport.

The rocket thrusters on the back of the pod are simple, but surprisingly well done, and they really bolster the overall look. The stickers add important visual elements, bringing the pod to life and elevating the feel of the entire build.

The Death Star plans are a clever add, making it easy to create missions where the bumbling droids deliver the keys to the galaxy to the Rebel Alliance.

Tracking down the nearly 200 disparate pieces needed to re-create this build wasn't so bad, as many of the pieces are distinctive and easy to find. As we move on to more intricate and complex hunting-and-gathering projects, I'll look back fondly (likely with an added whimper) on the relative ease involved in rebuilding this legendary vehicle.

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