Thursday, June 25, 2020

Day 102, Quasi-Quarantine: Adding Rako Hardeen To The Fold

As we're discovering "Star Wars: Clone Wars" many years after the fact, unique characters are speaking to us from the saga. One of those is Rako Hardeen, the "Marksman of Concord Dawn."

A would-be assassin of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Hardeen was part of a complex plot that involved Kenobi being brought back to life to assume Hardeen's identity to infiltrate a plan to kidnap the Chancellor. During a painful procedure, Kenobi was made to both look and sound like Hardeen before going to prison, joining the conspiracy, and jousting with Cad Bane.

With his distinct look and high-powered weaponry, Hardeen became a household favorite -- to the point where we had to secure a minifigure to join ongoing adventures. Hardeen is pictured here performing a complex maneuver as part of a siege on Scarif, alongside Poe Dameron and Lieutenant Connix.

Yes, we're going to great lengths to amuse ourselves.

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