I guess it was bound to happen eventually, but suffice it to say that PaperTowelGate has escalated dramatically. First, there was the sign imploring Douchey Litter Guy to stop, you know, throwing shit on the bathroom floor, followed by a confusing message from Douchey Litter Guy attempting to defend his actions. Then, the janitor eventually responded with some strongly worded (I guess) assertions that Douchey Litter Guy is “childish.”
Well, folks, you ain’t seen shite yet (pun intended).

Oh, no he di’n’t (yes, he did)! Let’s just say that, at this point, I don’t know whether this guy is my new personal hero -- after all, working "vagina" and "douche" into a single comment is pretty high on the awesomeness degree-of-difficulty scale -- or part of the problem. What is not up for debate is that he delivered a swift kick to the taco on Douchey Litter Guy with this one.
Unfortunately, this tool has had his sensibilities offended and is threatening to tear down the note. I told him not to F with my summer, but I fear that the budding battle between Douchey Litter Guy and Taco Kicker could be over before it truly begins.
And if that’s the case, we all lose.
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