Mariotti’s always been a prick
Uncreative and with a weak-ass schtick
Against abuse he’s always railing
Now we all attack him on his failing
You’ve had this coming, you rectal slick
The demise of Tigger and Elin
Now his kids can commence to healin’
His fraud has been golf’s bunion
El-Dick has always been like an onion
Gets stinkier the more layers you’re peelin’
Global warming is turning 35
Even as some keep lies alive
Katrina’s fifth anniversary as well
When New Orleans sunk in a muddy hell
With politics and money, enviro-disasters thrive
Funky swing and a hooked nose
Since his major win, lotsa lows
Tigger on hand after Elin’s dissing
So no one noticed Furyk missing
Still DQ’d after a too-long doze

Roger’s coldly anti-Asian
Betty’s just abusive and ragin’
Sally scene was creepy as hell
With Honda, Pete pitched the hard sell
Once more Don rises to the occasion
Last time …
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