Friday, June 21, 2024

Limerick Friday #621: Juggling All The Things As Summer Beckons -- Day 1,557

These kids are gonna rad
Even when I think they're bad
One wins in an academic way
One nailed their tryout day
These are great days for a dad

Don't look now
Or even have a cow
But on their way across the pond
The Mets, of which I am fond
Won three straight -- I don't know how

Every day comes with a whammy
'Til I just don't give a dammy
So get fucked with your games
Stop saying my team's names
And quit making work a shit sammie

Old as time, his story
As he vied for golf glory
Seems like a good bloke
But all he does is choke
Your heart hurts a bit for Rory

Work is a bummer
Politics couldn't be dumber
But school is done
So let's find the fun
Because here comes the summer

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