Friday, May 31, 2024

Limerick Friday #620: Summer's Over Way Too Early For The Metsies -- Day 1,536

Found their scapegoat
Threw him off the boat
Jorge Lopez pitched a fit
But at least gave a shit
Another Mets embarrassment, he wrote

Of laughs he was rife
And wit like a knife
A gentle big man
We'll never see again
Bill Walton, what a freaking life

College baseball postseason time
Throw up that Wolfie sign
The regionals are here
So grab me a beer
And root on that ol' Pack 9

No one made whole
Can't fire a soul
Demotions ignored
"Do more" implored
Can I also abdicate my role?

When they pitch, they can't hit
When they hit, they can't throw it
Plus errors for fun
Do they have anyone
Who is even worth a shit?

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