Friday, May 10, 2024

Limerick Friday #618: Blue Bears, Fake Fedoras, & Demos In The Desert -- Day 1,515

The air was thin
The vibe was chillin'
The Rockies loomed
The scooters zoomed
I would hit Denver again

Posturing on display
These are the games they play
Importance feigned
Teamwork deigned
What more's there to say?

The Mets laid another turd
Bordering on the absurd
At .500 they sit
And even though they won't quit
Mediocre's definitely the word

Favoritism abounded
Alarms were sounded
To be expected, sadly
Departure came gladly
Concerns were well-founded

So much hidden
You gotta be shittin'
Politics at every turn
When will we learn
This is what leads to quittin'

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