Friday, October 23, 2020

Limerick Friday #483: Democracy's Defining Moment Is Upon Us -- Day 222

Trump, we gotta get rid of it
He turned us into a skid of shit
Biden's the plan
He's not Superman
Just not a fucking idiot

The switch to Tua on demand
The timing tough to understand 
After many losses and few wins
This is so very 'Fins
And couldn't be more on brand

Eldritch and eerie
Dramatic and dreary
Lovecraft overload, yo
A tome plus a TV show
Solace in a world made weary

If you voted for Trump once
We can talk about how you're a dunce
But if you vote for him twice
Can't make this sound nice
But you're fucking dead to me, cunts

"Rectify" a journey of the soul
Tackled massive issues whole
Tension for four seasons
A painful search for reasons
And why "justice" takes such a toll

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