Friday, September 18, 2020

Limerick Friday #480: A Heartfelt Thank You For Libraries -- Day 187

The library's open door
A bright spot in a culture war
With government in dishevel
This is the only level
You can even trust any more

Ignorance that threatens belief
That's our corruptor-in-chief
When stupidity reigns
Reality drains
Under our liar-in-thief

'Twas mind-bending on the fly
Cancelled with no reason why
A cliffhanger wouldn't stand
So filmed a love note for fans
"Sense8"'s emotional goodbye

Today, I'm a Dad and a friend
Plus a teacher, spouse, and worker on end
The role changes by hour
As I try to power
Through 'rona's demanding trend

Playmakers we lack
And can't get a sack
On the disappointment flow
And this is how you know
Football's officially back

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