Friday, February 28, 2014

Limerick Friday LXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXII: “True Detective” Has You Chasing Shadows, Plus Comedy Will Never, Ever Be The Same

Far and away TV’s best thing
“True Detective” will make your nerves ring
From Marty’s anal fixture
To Rust’s distorted picture
And who the fuck is the Yellow King?!

Nearly over, a winter of worsts
A back-porch beer thirst
Spring beckons, with all that it means
Sipping Sierras and trampolines
Just need a new job first

Warren turned them into a joke
Had poor Roy drunk on Coke
The refs got involved
A problem that can’t be solved
But the bottom line is yet another choke

Oh, the Walking Dead
Once filled with intensity and dread
Now it may have jumped the shark
And instead of being afraid of the dark
Ho hum are my feelings instead

Farewell to a genius prince
Harold Ramis made us laugh and wince
Of “Vacation” & “Animal House” fame
And way too many more to name
Comedy as we know it bears his prints

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