Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Deep Thoughts By No-Look McFadden: Episode 67

A fascinating (well, to some anyway) look at the evolution of branding for the “Star Wars” franchise. Goes to show how many decisions have to be made just under the surface level, and how subtle tweaks can make such huge impacts from a marketing perspective.

The intersection of love, science and technology, in the eyes of a deaf child hearing for the first time. Good stuff.

Grunge guitarist turned Special Forces turned Ivy League student? Sure, I’ll read that.

Because who couldn’t use a listing of the top 36 cheap American beers?

The Golfalyzer speaks directly to me in a hilarious way. They have correctly identified a line that exists wherein you go from Jack (and Coke) Nicklaus to (Overly) Happy Gilmore.

So a Wampa throw rug exists. It is kind of expensive and will likely get Chewbacca-like with dirt in no time flat. Yet it exists.

Speaking of Chewie, apparently he can be channeled through a guitar. A “Rock Star: Air Wookie” franchise can’t be far behind ...

When best wishes go wrong: That time I wished you Happy Corn on the Cob Day.

It was only a matter of time, dude: Lebowski tats! The Walter one’s pretty good ... the Dude one looks kinda like Kato Kaelin with a goatee.

This is some strictly “Mission Impossible” shit from babies escaping from cribs. And as if this weren’t terrifying enough in terms of what I have to look forward to, this happens at a slightly older age.

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