Monday, January 13, 2025

Day 1,763, Quasi-Quarantine: The "12 Days Of IPA" Closes With Recognizable But Smooth Reveals


The first, second, and third weeks detailed the roller-coaster ride of the "12 Days of IPA" advent-calendar experience, and the final week kept to that theme, with the following reveals:

Lagunitas Brewing Beast of Both Worlds IPA
Dogfish Head 60-Minute IPA
Cycle Brewing Crank IPA

Beer aficianados will certainly recognize Lagunitas and Dogfish Head, the breweries based in northern California and Delaware, respectively. 

Beast of Both Worlds is a limited-release "bi-coastal IPA" that combines west and east coast hops in an enjoyable 8% ABV banger, while the 60-Minute IPA builds off the classic 90-Minute IPA at a drinkable 6% ABV.

Cycle Brewing is another Florida-based brewery, and the Crank IPA is an ultra-fruity 7-percenter that has a pale, hazy color and a reliance on citra hops. This was a really nice pour.

Overall, I was slightly disappointed at the lack of geographical diversity and the reliance on mainstream-ish breweries, but there were enough newcomers mixed in to make the effort worthwhile.

Here's to 2025, folks ... cheers.

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