Friday, June 24, 2022

Limerick Friday #549: That Friday When Democracy Detonated -- Day 832

They pose a threat dire
Each a hypocrite and liar
The highest court in the land
Betraying every oath hand
While setting democracy on fire

Each a traitor and louse
With hate you can't douse
On the call we're homing
And we're sure it's coming
From inside your house

Fascists they praise
In their un-American craze
Now they've bought the court
And justice they did abort
Among a nation's darkest days

Above silly bad
And beyond really sad
The erosion will escalate
As rights they denigrate
Just a stumble from Gilead

Of our parts we're the sum
A collective embrace of dumb
In democracy's dying hour
They chose cruelty and power
Who in the fuck have we become?

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