Thursday, May 19, 2022

Day 796, Quasi-Quarantine: To The Zoo! (No, Not Congress, The Other One. No, The Other Other One.)

With our trip to the District winding to a close after a host activities on Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3, our fourth day featured a more peaceful pace. Braving the Metro and some forbidding weather, we headed out to the Smithsonian's National Zoo.

Amazingly, the zoo is free, and the combination of the early hour and the intermittent rain made it nearly empty. The lack of foot traffic gave us plenty of time to spend with delightful creatures like the Emperor Tamarin.

After seeing the iconic pandas, we encountered a pretty sleepy orangutan.

The Andean bear was also quite a sight as it began to slowly wake and greet the day.

With our travel companions fading quickly (I could have stayed there all day), we headed back to the hotel for some swimming before journeying to Capitol City Brewing Company to end the day with an oat soda.

Up next: an early-morning jaunt, followed by a looming lengthy train ride back to Raleigh.

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