Monday, July 19, 2021

Day 492, Quasi-Quarantine: "Sev" Helps Save The Summer

A rare clone who served as part of Delta Squad during the Clone Wars, "Sev" (RC-1207) was an elite commando with a distinctive helmet design.

He appeared in "Witches of the Mist," a third-season episode of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars," as he and the rest of the Delta Squad returned the bodies of Jedi Master Halsey and his Padawan, Knox, to the Jedi High Council on Coruscant.

Sev quickly became a favorite of my building partner, so we purchased him a Sev-specific helmet, backpack, and sniper rifle, in addition to painting him an alternate helmet and shield.

Sev has quickly earned a place of distinction in a number of key missions, alongside custom clones Scorch and Fixer. All told, this trio comprises three-fourths of Delta Squad, with Boss still to be secured.

While the painting can be tricky and the custom helmets can be cost-prohibitive, they help keep us busy in the dog days of a camp-scarce summer.

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