Monday, November 02, 2020

Day 232, Quasi-Quarantine: "Hunter" Guides The "Bad Batch" Away From Normalcy

Last week, we discussed "Crosshair," one of the mercurial "Bad Batch" in the "Star Wars: Clone Wars" universe. This week, let's take a look at "Hunter" -- sergeant and commanding officer of Clone Force 99.

Hunter's mutation involves enhanced senses that make him essentially a walking map. Because he can feel electromagnetic signals, he can track down enemies and sniff out traps with uncanny accuracy.

"Well, maps can be wrong. Hunter never is." ~Tech

Reportedly based on the character of Billy Sole from the movie "Predator," Hunter comes with a DC-17 blaster, an E-5 blaster rifle, modified armor, a tracker backpack, and a knife for close-quarters combat.

The sergeant's role often involves quelling conflicts between the Bad Batch and "regs," or regular clone troopers. He bonded quickly with Echo in the last episode of the Bad Batch mini-arc in the final season of "Star Wars: Clone Wars."

"Your path is different. Like ours. If you ever feel like you don't fit in with them, well, find us."

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