Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Deep Thoughts By No-Look McFadden: Episode 70

When intellectual graffiti makes you stop and think.

Offered without comment:

“One reasons for the Republicans’ ferocity is their sense that their time is inexorably running out.” ~Sean Wilenz, Rolling Stone

Has anyone gone from “Hope” to “Nope” faster than RGIII (rd-string)?

Sticking a knife in a toaster will never not make me think of my Mom. She was forwarded this one in fractions of a second.

In a league facing many challenges and scandals these days, one of the most dangerous in terms of precedent is the NFL becoming more and more like the NBA in terms of favorable calls going toward star players.

One time I almost bought a Ryan Adams album. Then I realized I would have to begin bullying myself.

Nothing less than a truly incredible picture as a young Bill Clinton meets JFK (#30 here). Wow.

From the Question That Sounds Dirty Like It’s For A Hooker But It’s Not category: Is the Super 8 the top or the bottom?

*** “Person of Interest” Spoiler Alert ***
The first episode following the shocking death of Detective Jocelyn Carter was going to be emotional no matter what. But the opening to “The Devil’s Share”—set to the Johnny Cash cover of “Hurt”—was both insanely powerful and perfectly rendered.

And because it ‘tis the season, how about a 10-month-old’s wish list for Christmas being pretty humorous and spot on ...

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