Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Deep Thoughts By No-Look McFadden: Episode 65

Despite the tragic nature of the story itself, one of the most enjoyable articles I’ve read in Sports Illustrated was by “The Best Player You Never Saw,” by Michael McKnight. The piece covered the lost potential of Brian Cole, a New York Mets phenom who died in a car accident. Great writing, great character sketching and great research.

Knowledge is power: You simply have to appreciate 24 awesome things you likely didn’t know about beer.

One of the least-studied enigmas of our generation: So how come there aren’t seatbelts on buses?!

I’m a bit of an Irish Coffee aficionado, but I’ve admittedly never tasted this particular blend.

A political party based on environmental focus and based on social media? Kudos, Brazil. You’ve got my vote.

So how much of “Lost” was ripped off of a 1969 TV series called “The New People”? Judge for yourself.

Chewbacca cuckolding Solo: That sentence just happened.
When “Rosemary’s Baby” goes horribly wrong—it’s a Wookie!—you need the behind-the-scenes story on this interspecies love affair, via Harrison Ford on Jimmy Kimmel.

Toddlerhood encompasses the balance between laughing hysterically and stifling the urge to slap, as captured in this epic carseat convo.

Girl, you’ve got chronic flatulence an ass that just won’t quit.

There are moments when my chosen profession redeems itself beyond pointless press releases and embarrassing e-mail campaigns. This is one of those moments: sheer brilliance in the form of an anti-child abuse advertising campaign.

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