Thursday, September 01, 2011

Deep Thoughts By No-Look McFadden: Episode 44

RIP to Chris Hondros, one of those rare talents who was able to elevate photography to artistry and wield a piece of technology like an elegant paintbrush. NC State -- and journalism -- lost one of the best, tragically.

If you’ve ever been to San Francisco, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the jammed-together homes. Well, this enterprising owner worked around permits by building a fold-in garage into his Victorian house. Bravo, sir; bravo.

Your reaction to the news that the last typewriter manufacturer has shut its doors probably falls into one of two camps: 1) “Man, I can’t believe that!” or 2) “Holy shit, people were still manufacturing typewriters!?”
My trusty typewriter and I spent way too much time together, and not only did it get me through college, but I still have it. Farewell, typewriters.

Yeah, I know the NFL Draft is now several months past, but I have to say: The ESPN Bizarro World honchos thought it best to put Jon Gruden in charge of grading quarterbacks and Bill Parcells in charge of compiling the draft board. Who the fuck thought it was OK to make these appointments on Opposite Day?

I don’t have much to add to this one: “Go the Fuck to Sleep” is just a flat-out epic children’s book.

Maybe it’s just me, but after the offseason that Ohio State had, adding a guy who just got arrested on felony theft charges at a casino to your coaching staff doesn’t feel like, you know, a dramatic change in direction for the program.

I fell in love with this visual representation of “how books work.”

I watched all of the NBA playoffs and really was only left with two vivid impressions: Chris Bosh kind of looks like Snoop Dogg and Russell Westbrook has tiny ears.

I’d like to think that we can all agree that planking has jumped laid down on the shark.

The Miami Dolphins haven’t had much to cheer about for years, but Jim Mandich always seemed to find a reason to do so anyway. You will be missed, Mad Dog.

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