Friday, August 12, 2016

Limerick Friday #409: All-Around Ichiro Reaches A Milestone, Plus Useless Training At A Myopic Organization

Slap hit and watch ‘im go
And unleash many a big throw
3,000 hits under his belt
Underrated, I’ve always felt
Kudos to the one-of-a-kind Ichiro

One time she lived in Taos
As quiet as a creepy mouse
Ate salsa by the bowl
And screamed at her soul
In a haunted candy house

Can Grant catch a ball?
Can Lippett cover at all?
Will Tunsil shine at guard?
Who will be the wildcard?
Answers start coming tonight, y’all

On business cards did she linger
But did not wash her finger
Likes to lecture about data
While spreading her hate-a
Toward a freakishly tall ginger

The dog days are here for the Mets
Hoping it’s as bad as it gets
Blown leads every night
Injuries left and right
The stretch run’s gonna need jets

Last time