Thursday, November 06, 2008

Water Is Wet, Sky Is Blue, Sarah Palin Dumber Than Box Of Dirt

Now, I think it's widely accepted at this point that calling Fox News a news source is an insult to journalism itself. However, they have reached new lows, as revealed when the network basically admitted that it refused to air essential facts regarding Sarah Palin. For instance—she didn't know Africa was a continent. Read that again. Slowly.

I don't care how biased you are or how much of a shill for the GOP you are … but at some point, doesn't pure decency toward your fellow citizens lead you to actually feel ashamed for keeping such things from a voting public? People who are against the war are unpatriotic, but hiding the mind-numbing lack of qualification of a major-office candidate who is one skin-cancer recurrence away from being the leader of the free world is not?

I knew Sarah Palin was dangerous to our country long ago, around the time when she was talking about the end of days and claimed that living in Alaska means you're an expert on Russia. After all, I lived in Alaska for three years and never once picked up any fascinating insight into the tenets of communist thought by osmosis. I mean, I gained a mysterious affinity for vodka and potatoes, but I don't have any definitive proof that that was related to my newfound proximity to Moscow.

But Fox News and GOP have now shamed themselves to the point where it's difficult to see how they can even look in the mirror. Then again, I doubt they ever deign to do so … especially after anointing Sarah Palin the "brave new voice" of the Republic Party. Good luck with that.

Carry on.

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