UNC's brought in a mercenary coach named Butch Davis
Wal-Mart fans now saying, "To hell with academics, just save us!"
Never heard much football-related from a Tar Hole's mouth
Only, "Just wait until basketball season arrives in the south"
Here comes the Pack thinking, "No chance is what everyone gave us"
Another ignorant comment by Donovan McNabb
Philly fans not exactly loving his gift of gab
Mr. Overrated didn't know that NFL games can end in a tie
You're as smart as a Campbell Soup can, aren't you guy?
You'll never throw up in another Super Bowl unless you take a cab
Another NFL executive stepping in doodoo
Sent an e-mail to a fan saying, "F you"
A rough week for Cleveland's Phil Savage
His team playing as well as rotten cabbage
Can't be saved by a gay QB, this is true
As I read this story about a single-wide
Not sure if I laughed more or cried
Only in Kentucky could this sort of thing take place
Where in-breeding is as common as a three-legged race
Imagine a trailer in your front yard with a family of 'necks inside

Attacking the passion of a Wolverine fan
No way to be considered a "Michigan Man"
U-M to miss a bowl for the first time in 34 years
Don't expect "Dick Rod" to shed any tears
Have the Wolverines fallen as far as they can?
Last time …
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