Another teenage loser with angst inside
Decided he wanted to commit suicide
Wanted to crash a jet into a Hannah Montana show
Parents everywhere saying, “Not a bad idea, Joe”
But why the fuck bring so many with you when you died?
It’s the end of the road for our NC State friend Les
Did the best he could with a Pack hoops mess
My first interview as I entered sports writing
A good man, a bad coach, there’s no hiding
Enjoy your well-deserved retirement and God bless
A two-time drunk killer thought it was quite a joke
That she ran down a tree-hugging gay bloke
That he was a Frenchy biker to boot
Was to her the final reason to hoot
Enjoy the laughs during your remaining miserable life in the poke
When parents meet for the first time, what do you do?
Awkward conversation and speculation is sure to ensue
“Eat steak for dinner,” someone said, “lots of chewing”
“Make sure you get the moms and dads conversing” was another idea for doing
But “Quiet Parental Meeting Dinners for Dummies” wasn’t at the library under “Q”

Hillary won the endorsement of the New York Times
But we’re tired of Democrats accusing each other of crimes
Makes me wonder where the hell you went, Al Gore
You’ve got ideas now, where before you made us snore
If you let the Republicans steal this, I’ll be moving to northern climes
Last time ...
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