“Taunting led to zoo mauling of boy”
Learned the hard way that a tiger ain’t a toy
New rule: don’t throw anything at the carnivores
Unless you want nightmares filled with roars
Have we learned nothing from those fairies Siegfried and Roy?
Water main break wreaks havoc near and far’d
Probably caused by a no-driving jackass retard
No water leads to behavior that’s rude
I swear last night I saw a poor dude
Taking a grumpy in the middle of his backyard
By the way, speaking of grumpies galore
NC State plays like five of them on the floor
No heart for the Cardiac Pack
Everyone wants Engin Atsur back
This team’s effort is boring and piss-poor

Clemson welcomed a decrepit action hero and his creepy stare
Plus a roided-up former pro wrestler named Ric Flair
Mike Huckabee knows how to stump in the South
Bring a couple of redneck has-beens to run their mouth
The weight of a Clemson degree is now officially lighter than air
A race car driver who happens to be Hebrew
The hecklers apparently call him a fast Jew
Kudos to Jon Denning’s bravery on the track
And for letting the insults just roll off his back
In such instances, I ask “What Would Jay Fiedler Do?”
Last time ...
Monday I'll be home thanks to MLK.
Why do we celebrate such a day?
Now everything's "socially offensive" he made.
"You look exotic, Was your dad a GI" is considered hate.
Innocent questions based on stereotypes are no longer okay?
Truly sad for you if you think that's all he did
Did you not pick up an encyclopedia as a kid?
Political correctness is certainly out of control
But innocent questions are OK if you're not an asshole
Appreciate a day off without flipping your lid
I'm sure that's not all he's done.
But why make such a deal for him, but for others none?
Washington, Lincoln individually did more stuff
Yet I don't get off work on President's day, that's ruff
I'm sure he's a great person, but he isn't the only one
What the hell, arguing about a day off
Just because you can't find a waitress to boff?
Instead you'll just go down to the arcade
And play "Leisure Suit Larry" tryin to get laid
Just pretend it's Chairman Mao Day (cough, cough)
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