“Leap Year” has two things going for it: Amy Adams and Ireland. Beyond that, well, you’re on your own.
As yuppie stager Anna Brady, Adams is more than a little caricature-ish throughout the first half or more of the flick, but she possesses the extraordinarily rare gift of winning you over with her charm. In almost every movie she’s in, she forces you to sort of fall in love with her, no matter how bad the flick, unbelievable the plot or farcical the story.
On the flip side, the male lead (Matthew Goode, playing pub owner Declan) had a bad Irish accent. However,
I’m not going to get too in-depth with this review because the movie was pretty shallow (zing!), but I will say that it was a little disappointing that what was represented as Dingle, Ireland, was not Dingle, and it was primarily filmed in Wicklow, Dublin and Galway. Also, the ending was a bit sudden and cheesy, which put a bit of a damper on the flick as a whole, especially since it had a little underrated streak running through it for a while.
The usage of Ireland as a character worked well simply because the land is so beautiful and amazing, and for that reason, it was worth checking out. Throw in Adams and “Leap Year” grew to a somewhat bigger height than the expected chick-flick fare, but I admit that, as someone who got engaged in Ireland, I’m more than a little biased. If you don’t have a place in your heart for Ireland or an appreciation for Adams’s gifts, steer as clear of this as you would of the Cliffs of Mohr on a windy day.
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