I’m certainly not a fan of ESPN, but their “30:30” project is one thing they’ve gotten right. “Run Ricky Run” was tremendous, and “The Two Escobars” piece was eye-opening as well.
Least-favorite recent Hollywood trend: taking a washed-up pretty boy actor and trying to recast him as a mercenary or tough guy. Who the hell can buy Tom Cruise as the badass in “Knight and Day”?! And what the F happened to Cameron Diaz?! They don’t fade much farther, faster, than she has. Ouch.
Has anyone ever seen new NC State athletics director Debbie Yow and SNL’s the Church Lady in the same place at the same time?
I figgered an 11-hour, 5-minute tennis match deserved some additional mention here. The John Isner-Nicolas Mahut marathon was so taxing that, at one point, Isner looked like me the time I downed a fifth of Crown and won that dwarf-tossing contest. It was so exhausting that Isner began actually swinging and missing at balls, looking like the Rob Deer of the tennis world. It was so tiring that Pete Sampras threw up somewhere just watching it.
Complicating matters was the fact that I couldn’t decide whether Mahut looked like the French doppelganger of Scut Farkus, the villain from “Christmas Story,” or a freedom-fried Sonic the Hedgehog.
And backing up my assertion that the happiest person in England during that match was the person who drew the winner the next day, Isner lost in something like 51 minutes the next time out. But kudos to Wimbledon for being proactive enough to recognize the match and award the contestants on the spot, just after it ended. Other leagues could take note.
Did you know Matt Schaub threw for 4,770 yards last year? That’s the sixth-most freaking yards in a season EVAR. Most underreported story of the season, imo.
I always hated science. Even as a kid. And I always loved weekends. Even as a kid. This is why I never became a scientist.
Serious question: Are Diego Maradona and Ozzie Guillen the same guy?
The three things that will make it very difficult for soccer to truly gain a place in the national sporting pecking order Stateside are the diving and acting; the seemingly random assignment of yellow cards; and the truly brutal, mind-numbing refereeing mistakes. When it seems like every other game is 1-0, there is simply no room in the game to abide by and be able to suffer these horrific errors and gaffes. There has to be a way to make it right.
I found, basically, the definitive piece on “Lost” the other day. Coupla cool quotes from it: “One of the reasons I think 'Lost' worked was that it was always more interested in the box and the person holding the box than what was in the box.”
And “One of the things that's made the last six seasons of this show so fun is the way that it's kind of a Rorschach test for who you are. Your answers to the questions the show presented were as important to the experience of watching the show as anything else.”
Can I ask why Leonardo DiCaprio was wearing a West Virginia cap during the Germany-Argentina match at the World Cup in South Africa? On a side note, Charlize Theron is to South African football as Ashley Judd is to Kentucky basketball.
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