Admirably representing the Gaelic word for "light," Solas jauntily rises phoenix-like from the heart of trend-setting Glenwood South, achieving a literal and figurative pinnacle of culinary excellence and cultural decadence the likes of which have never been seen in North Carolina's versatile and amiable capital city.
Or maybe it's just a really cool three-story restaurant and club that attracts equal parts hotness and cheese from the surrounding area. I guess you'll have to decide for yourself.
Owned by Hibernian founder Niall Hanley, Solas blends the best parts of gastro-fusion cuisine, big-city nightlife and small-city atmosphere. I'll admit to a smidgen of impartiality, considering that my brother is executive chef, but I've been there twice to eat and several times to tour during the construction process, and I've been struck by the ambitious nature of Niall's design and the all-inclusive variety of the menu. Having been open only a month or so, Solas has already been visited by pop celeb John Mayer, stomach-stapled crooner John Popper and Olympic gold medalist swimmer (and NC State grad) Cullen Jones, among others.
The Web site has been a trifle hit or miss, but here are a coupla other links (News & Observer, Raleigh Chronicle and Independent Weekly) to check out if you are interested. So go get your best duds, head down to Solas and get your Chicago on.
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