Take my hand
Can you see
The end of a life
Perched over a railing?
Will grass ever grow green
There again?
The wind blew
The grass rustled
You look up at me
You asked me a question
I pretended not to hear
My heart dropped
Into a different existence
Yet though you changed
The miracle of you
Never wavered
The sound
Of you
Your breathing
Your sighs
Your insights
Will chase me
Until the end of my days
Just like the shadows
And the prances
In my footsteps
Gallant you were
Until the very end
When you waved goodbye
In your very own way
That was always
Like no other
Shouldered me until
You needed
That burden returned
Trade and switch
Life is like that
Better I am
For having breathed
Your presence
Everything good
And pure
You lived in the moment
And though your life
Seemed to last just that long
It was tender
And true
So lift me up
From that other place
Curl around a dream
Where you never stop running
For the right reasons
You always
Licked away the tears
‘Til you were finally filled
The gift of you
Placed in the wind
Where you always pointed
Maybe it was your way
Of showing me the direction
Gentle friend
Look up at me
From a prettier spot
That will always be green
My mind’s eye
Will always be brown
Gather you up
As you did me once
Break the leash
Open that door
And set you free
But never let you go

1 comment:
Yep. That pretty much sums up having a dog.
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