“MarketSmart Interactive, once a red-hot company that expanded like wildfire, has burned out.”
These were the words penned by News & Observer business writer David Ranii in today’s article, “Marketing Company Shrinks.” Ranii efforted comments from multiple former employees and a few words of wisdom from Think Partnership mouthpiece Rachel Honoway. Friend and former colleague Dave Honaker spearheaded the publication of this article and summed up the demise as only he can within the piece:
“’There was no real direction, no real strategy, no real leadership,’ said Dave Honaker, a senior interactive copywriter who was let go at the end of October. ‘The clients felt that.’
“He added: ‘Sometimes they were being promised things that couldn't be delivered on.’”
As to some of the other comments and quotes attributed in the article, I’ll respectfully take the fifth and quietly shake my head. The drama and deciding factors involved in the demise of MSI has been discussed and rehashed in a myriad of blogs, so I'll save my energy, say that it was the biggest waste of talent that I have ever been involved with and leave it at that.
Big ups to Dave for bringing this story of greed and deception to light, and also to Ranii for the quick turnaround.
You are the better writer. It is decidely so. I'm just a poor man's James Frey.
I'm not sure if that is a confession or an apology or a disarming way to change the subject. No one said I was a better writer ... I'm just trying to understand why a "writer" would copy and paste another writer's words. Anyway, best of luck.
I owe you an apology.
Upon second look at my entry, I realize that I borrowed pieces of your content w/out giving you the proper credit. It wasn't a conscious effort just lazy. I meant no disrepect and I feel bad.
I have removed my post. More importantly, I do admire you as a writer and didn't want to undermine that w/ some smartass remark without stopping to consider you and your work.
I made a mistake.
Paul -
No worries, Paul. I appreciate your apology and for clearing things up.
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