So disappointing
Tony quickly forgets roots
No haikus no more
Pearls of wisdom gone
Like so much dust in the wind
Like Tar Heels bowl hopes
A host we knew once
Our small cafeteria
The domain he ruled
Will he roll windos
When Marco sees rainin in
Even Seattle?
Time for more Tony
Austin fortune cookies taste
Funny, then sweet too
Denial no lake
Tony should be swimming in
Don't forget your friends
Remember Tony
Life's like a chicken tender
Eat it while it lasts
A tear just fell from my cheek.
Tony must not be at his desk. Maybe he's shooting hoops.
he's working on getting his depeche mode cover band up and running.
Tentative name: Personal Jesus
Classic. Simply classic. New Haiku now up!
Word. I knew if I played your heartstrings, you'd dance like an emotional wreck ;)
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