Thursday, September 07, 2006

Turtles Freak Me Out

So I'm walking around the lake behind the office building where I work and I notice a turtle ... "Wow," I think, "how disarming it is to feel so far away from my cubicle with only a few steps. I've gone from a meeting about correct procedures for naming file folders to watching a turtle sun himself on a branch in the span of one minute!" But what was once inviting -- nee, charming, perchance -- has become somewhat disturbing. Upon my walk today, I noticed that every partially submerged log or branch had two, three, four turtles on it. I have come to the realization that turtles freak me out. They are so quiet, so slow, so still ... yet they look like they could freaking hurt you if they so wanted. I find my pace quickening as I walk past, yet I cannot look away.

I don't even know if that makes sense. But regardless ... I've learned something new about myself today. Turtles freak me out. And I'm OK with that.


Bass Hampton said...

On land, i fear no turtle. In the water...well, that's a different story all together.

If it makes you feel any better, i am deathly afraid of birds.

Evan said...

Turtles? Honestly? I'm sure Steve Blake and that gangsta Lonny Baxter had something to do with this

Scooter said...

I'm just warming up, Evan. Check back later for my discourse on snakes on how they move freakishly fast without legs. Steve Irwin video to follow.

Stay away from Regency Park then, Brent. The geese here look at you funny as well.

Casie G said...

hahah so glad to see this :) as for turtles, i think that you only have to be careful of the snapping ones and poisonous ones found in the foothills of raleigh