Friday, September 03, 2010

Limerick Friday LXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIII: The Right Pisses On Logic And Decorum, Plus UNC Goes Into Fetal Position And Don Blacks Out

Who gave a forum to Glenn Beck?!
Makes you say what the fuck heck
A racist stunt on a beautiful day
Pissing on the grave of MLK
Any wonder this country is a wreck?

Media locked out over at UNC
As they hunt for an outspoken nanny
The NCAA firestorm is reheating
Because the Carolina Way is cheating
Any standards? Guess we’ll see

Football is finally back
The return, the score, the sack
A tough loss, a gritty win
What a long wait it’s been
Hard to miss an opener with the Pack

Headed down to the ATL
To celebrate football and yell
Ube’s first night away
Nervous it makes me, I’ll say
Oh well, UNC’s players can’t spell

Roger remembers Don the fur sender
Pete’s hatred do Lane and Kenny engender
A Roger-Joan-Don sandwich?
Peggy’s nude and outlandish
While Don goes on epic bender

Last time


Anonymous said...

Why isn't anyone talking about the real issue - agents and reps who manipulate the players. I am not suggesting that the players are innocent but is anyone laying some accountabilty on the agents in these situations.

Scooter said...

Certainly agree with you there. I know Alabama and Florida have restricted agent access to their schools, but at some point the NFL has to get involved and start policing the pimping.