By now, you know what the F a "Snuggie" is -- whether you ever wanted to or not. If you're one of the seven Quakers or Amishfolk who hasn't seen the commercial, it's a bathrobe. That you wear backwards. If that doesn't speak to your needs as a human being to own one, then apparently you're missing out on the "Cult of the Snuggie," as Time magazine puts it. Hats off to the marketing folks behind the "Snuggie," I guess.
Because somehow, as of halfway through January, there had been 3 million sold already. Yes … 3 million. And it is on backorder. And it is made in China. And they're coming out with new versions for kids and the "outdoors." Because the only thing missing from camping is dressing up like freaking Obi Wan Kenobi and traipsing around the woods in a fleece christing straitjacket.
Of course, someone much smarter than me is going to make the argument that in a down economy, people tend to flock to cheap, simple things that make them feel better. But that in no way justifies this "Slanket" knockoff, which will likely seem pretty cool to you until one of your farts gets stuck inside of it and you can't escape.
The stoner below, the genius behind something called "Cam's Rants," rips off an epic tirade against "The Snuggie" that features so many F-bombs it would make "the Dude" blush. While his main issue with this product is what it costs -- i.e., for $30, "you can feed a little African kid for quite a while" -- he does point out that it basically targets people who aren't good with moving one of their arms up to 15 degrees in any direction.
Anyway, enjoy the rant. And if you're shopping for the ideal birthday gift for that special Jawa in your life, look no further … the Snuggie is here.
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