In the interest of bipartisanship, I should mention that John McCain has come out with an inspirational campaign video along the lines of the one put out by Barack Obama.
If you’re relatively unfamiliar with McCain, he basically defined the term “liberal conservative” through much of this century, bickering with W at nearly every turn. After getting called to the principal’s office at one point to discuss things with our fearful leader, McCain emerged a defeated, weakened boor, bitch-slapped back into line as a vital member of the religious right. Now, he doesn’t know who he is and spends most of his time banging lobbyists and making absurd statements about the Iraq War.
In fact, the Comedy Central show “Lil’ Bush” pegs McCain perfectly, as follows:
“Lil' John McCain, voiced by Dave B. Mitchell; says ‘That's the straight talk’ at the end of almost every statement, loves chocolate milk. He disrespects Lil' Bush when he's hall monitor. Lil' Bush gets his vengeance by stoking fear of hippies in the school, then detaining John McCain in the back of a nearby Cuban restaurant as part of his anti-hippie security measures. Lil' Rummy then removes his brain with an ice cream scoop, after which he is a mindless zombie who does whatever Lil' Bush wants.”
Anyway, enjoy the video. Apparently, "Like Hope, But Different" is now what passes as the “straight talk” …
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