I had to take my dog, Gallo, in to the emergency vet last night. He was in pain, and it turned out that he has a gall bladder abscess or gall stones, plus an inflamed liver, blood on his kidney and a minor clotting problem. The good news is that all these things are related and that he isn't running a fever, so antibiotics are working; he's also almost seven years old and in good health, so he has that going for him.
He had to stay overnight at the vet, so he woke up this morning scared and alone, and he yelped in pain when they began to examine him again. He has to have liver and coagulation tests today, so he'll be subjected to more poking and prodding and then he'll have to spend another evening in a cage. But he seems to be in good hands and improving, and I've been told that NC State's Veterinarian School is one of the best in the land and is nearby in case anything unforeseen happens.
Things seemed way too quiet and ordinary with him gone last night, from his empty dog bed to the absence of the click-clack of his paws skittering across the kitchen floor. All night long, he reminded me how silence can be pretty loud. He almost singlehandedly turns a house from a building into a home, so we need him back soon.
Hang in there, G-Lo ...
Get well soon, Gallo
My five year old lab has recently developed epilepsy and I had to leave her at the vet overnight. The nurse let me say goodnight to her and she freaked that she was being left behind. She home and back to her normal self now.
I can relate to the deafening silence of a house without a dog.
God speed, Gallo.
Liver? Has he turned to drinking? :) Hope he is better soon. Man that dog is so cute.
If the picture is any indication, he should probably cut back on the Sierra Nevada.
Hope he gets well soon chief.
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