Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Happy United Nations Day!

Has a year already passed? Is it United Nations Day again already? What do you get someone for United Nations Day? It was a lot more fun to celebrate when Boutros Boutros-Ghali was the secretary-general of the UN and you had a valid reason to just say his name a lot during the course of a day. Kofi Anan, the current secretary-general, is sort of funny to say, but just doesn’t have the same bite to it. He just sounds more like an olde English way of saying you'd like coffee now.

Come to think of it, UN Day was a lot more fun when the United States was a member instead of an outcast. Back when everyone recognized that the UN was a valid, potentially effective means of global justice and compromise, you could get on board with United Nations Day. But internationally, we’re the evil empire, the only superpower that refuses to vote for logical environmental legislation, the planetary version of the ‘roided-up, belligerent redneck who fires beer cans out the window with one hand while firing at tumbleweeds in the desert for no reason with the other, in a blinged-out, extended-cab Hummer with a "Kill 'Em All and Let God Sort 'Em Out" sticker on one side of the bumper and "WWJD" on the other. Good times.

So, happy United Nations Day!

And I still plan on saying Boutros Boutros-Ghali a lot today. Just for old times’ sake.


Will said...

do i get a card for international friends on United Nations day?

Scooter said...

Ha ha ha. Yes ... and I'm sure Paul is impatiently waiting by his mailbox as we speak.

Will said...
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Will said...

i'll be stopping by when Santa rolls around Paul...