Thursday, April 07, 2011

Deep Thoughts By No-Look McFadden: Episode 42

Reason #6,806 why dogs are awesome. Loyalty. And it got a little dusty in here when the one dog sort of hugged the other.

Inception” was almost two-and-a-half hours long. This Victorian woodcut animation sums it up in 60 seconds.

Maybe I’m getting old, but a “sagging pants” bill is long past due. Kudos, Florida (and I can’t believe I typed that).

A roll-top computer? I can dig this.

Len Elmore is the type of dude who can be wrong, be proven wrong by a replay, watch said replay, ignore it, then go on pretending he’s still right. And I believe that says everything you need to know about Len Elmore.

This is an incredible aurora borealis video. That’s really all I’ve got.

On top of all the other things the national title game was missing, such as offense and excitement, it was really missing Gus Johnson. But listening to Gus call great moments in history almost made up for it.

Apparently, some of you out there are using vodka tampons (you know who you are). Just … be careful. You know?

This April Fool’s border crossing sign is nothing short of tremendous. Wonder if anyone stopped and actually looked at themselves as a result?

Part of me thought Debbie Yow should have been more professional, not stooped to Gary Williams’s level and not taken the spotlight off of Mark Gottfried.
And then part of me thought that it was goddam great that she essentially told that sweaty, slobbering, maniacal drunk to fuck off for all to hear.

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