Friday, October 23, 2009

Limerick Friday LXXXXXXXXXXII: A Nod To Everett Case, Plus A Week Of Sad Commentaries On Things

A 100-year hoops celebration
For all of Wolfpack Nation
There is no debate
The first 80 were great
The last 20, State’s been on vacation

What the fuck is wrong with folks?
Sounding an amber alert as a hoax?
Using your child as a publicity stunt
You jackass and you stupid cunt
Tired of “Balloon Boy” and all the jokes

I said, “Get rid of the ‘Stache, please”
Then Nick Satan had the backbone of a sneeze
They passed up on Purdue’s Drew twice
Now he comes back to Miami with a vice
With Drew, success would have been a Brees

There’s no longer a surprise
At their distortions and lies
That’s just Fox being Fox
And blowing Republican cocks
They think the Klan are pretty swell guys

He played football with spirit and drive
Now they’re keeping his memory alive
Jasper Howard was a father-to-be
He’s gone in a stabbing tragedy
His child will have uncles numbering 105

Last time

1 comment:

Pack7483 said...

Pulled out all the stops for certain
You dust off LT, you must be hurtin'
Marketing-wise, UNC was all in
But couldn't stop Butch's reputation from fallin'
Now everyone knows there's no one behind the curtain