I don’t have the time, desire for an immediate headache, patience or creativity to adequately address the inanity of the latest Republitard uproar, so today, I’m just going to point you directly to someone who does -- and did.
I’m going to yield the stage to one of the original “Mad Men,” a Stephen King lookalike, an old man and a tremendous writer, so read what he has to say.
P.S. In case you needed concrete proof that this country is going to hell in a handbasket, this one offers the only statement on the state of things you need: Brainwashed, cult-worshipping conservative mouth-breathers are furious that THE FUCKING PRESIDENT is talking to children in schools, while no one notices or cares that confirmed sociopath MICHAEL FUCKING VICK is making classroom speeches about goddam dog-fighting.
So just to sum up, portions of our society would rather have a convict involuntarily talk to their children about killing Fido than have the President speak to their children about how to achieve success in school.
Serenity. Fucking. Now.
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