A fantasy camp for overweight, creepy men
They never get up when told to drop down and give them 10
Clemson is trying anything to raise money
They try so hard to cheat that it ain’t funny
It’s a sad state of fanship when this is your moment of zen
Another Earth Day has come and passed
We’ve got to find alternate fuels, and fast
The ice caps are melting at the North Pole
We’re turning our planet into a black hole
How much longer can Mother Earth last?
That fatass Ralph Friedgen is all about burning a bridge
He’s the lone voice blasting the ‘Noles on that ridge
But he’s right when it comes to cheating FSU
The penalty didn’t fit their crime, it’s true
Not afraid to open his mouth, is that hungry Fridge
Some people considered him a pretentious prick
While others think he’s a hoops genius on a stick
But now Pitino’s the target of an extortion plot
All I know is that they’re not going to get a lot
Pinstriped suits and an Italian name, don’t mess with Rick

Lots happening in this Scooter time and age
Birthdays, weddings, honeymoons are all the rage
This blog’s gotta go on hiatus for a while
As I work on my Mexican and my vacation smile
From kid to adult, am I ready for this new stage?
Last time …
Kid to adult transition is always tough
Mentality changes will be rough
No more doing whatever you feel
Thinking of others is the ideal
One day I'll be there too, and stuff
That's an awesome one, Paul. Thx.
Happy b-day and congrats dude :D
Thanks Casie! Hope all is well in Beantown, I still need to come see a game at Fenway someday and grab a beer with you. Take care ;)
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