More mind-numbing "projects" cascade through the In-Box …
Title: Need A Dedicated Content Writer to Provide Quality and Original Articles for Long-term Relationship Project ID: 486487
Category: Writing / Editing / Translation
Description: Hi every one
We are looking for A Dedicated Content Writer to Provide Quality and Original Articles for Long-term Relationship
Here are the instructions:
We are looking for well written articles on financially related topics. Articles must be politically and religiously neutral. There can be no prejudice or derogatory language or ideas conveyed in the articles. All articles must be original content, not published anywhere else. We have a system that searches the net and checks for similarly written content.
Pick from a list of these keywords; payday loans, cash advance, unsecured personal loans, installment loans, and short term loans. You should add as many helping words as possible such as instant, online, faxless, no fax, no faxing, no credit check, without credit checks, same day, direct deposit, quick, fast, easy, secure, safe, today, cash, money, lenders, lending, etc. Example: if you pick “payday loans” keep this as your target keyword throughout the article. Use whichever keyword you pick 5 times in your article including your title. Modify the keyword by adding the helping words. Example: “fast payday loans,” “payday loans quickly,” “same day payday loans,” etc.
Here are the guidelines:
1.540 words is the minimum article size.
2.Break up your article with subtitles in each paragraph. This makes the article more readable.
3. Keywords: You must use one keyword in 5 places. Make sure, when you use the keywords, they’re used in a comfortable, natural way. Do not use them just to use them. The keywords choices to use are:
* Payday loan or payday loans
* Cash advance or cash advances
* Personal loan or personal loans
4.The 160-character maximum summary: Along with your article, you must include your summary. This must contain your keyword.
5. The 5 places to use the keyword are:
* In the maximum 65 character title
* In the first sentence of the first paragraph
* In the middle of the article, somewhere
* Within the last paragraph
* In the 160-character maximum summary
We give you Basic Requirement above
About the Commissions:
It’s important for you to receive payment.
$1-$5 for each article.
Payment will be weekly or bi-weekly.
Articles have to be 100% unique and must pass Copyscape.
You can not publish it elsewhere; The copyright will belong exclusively to us.
Articles must be written in perfect English and without any spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors. Substandard content will NOT be accepted.
We need your articles to drive more traffic to our website. So, please write some Fresh and Attractive topic of Payday loan and Cash Advance. However, you must follow our guidelines.
Need some advice?
Please see our samples provided(not forget to The 160-character maximum summary not provided in our samples, you can write it yourself as you like) If you are serious with this job please send us 2-3 samples according to our guidelines and samples in the attachment,
Thank you! We will look forward to doing business with you!
I don't know where to begin with this fucking degenerate. You want a minimum of 700 words of SEO-optimized copy, in perfect English and with no grammatical errors, and you want to pay a qualified writer who has taken the initiative to sign up with a supposedly serious freelance writing site "$1 to $5"? Are you goddam kidding me? You are a stinking douchebag who is trying to run a mortgage pyramid scheme at sweatshop rates, and if there's a Buddha anywhere to be found, you won't get a single freaking response. "Need some advice?" Go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut, ass monkey.
Title: Song Writer
Category: Writing / Editing / Translation
Description: i sing for a newly formed metal band called TragikSanity but i have never written lyrics before...can you help and how much per song? i need to have a 3 to 4 song demo done by Feb 3rd...
TragikSanity is certainly off to a rock star start if their lead singer has never written lyrics and they're trying to schlub songs off an Internet freelance writing site. I look forward to seeing you open for Unremarkable Anus at the Butner IHOP soon.
Title: Reference letter for former employee
Category: Writing / Editing / Translation
Description: A very good employee with my company for 9 years asked me to write a reference letter for her. I tried to write the letter but it stunk. It did not have the feeling that I felt of her value. After this last blunder, I would like to return with something that will work. for her.
Well, Wayne, if she worked for you for nine years and you had trouble thinking of just what it was that made her a good employee, I'm sure a perfect stranger will do a bang-up job demonstrating "her value." Because if there's one thing that freelance writers are good at, it's avoiding blunders when it comes to hammering out reference letters for random secretaries.
Title: Pandemic Flu Impact
Category: Writing / Editing / Translation
Description: We have a document which has been cut and pasted from several sources. We want to smooth out the document and do a complete re-write so we do not have to go out and get copyright persmission on most items (we will on graphs, charts, etc as needed).
The document is approximately 60 pages in length.
Literace, are you listening? This plagiarism special sounds right up your alley.

Title: Man lives in phone booth
Category: Writing / Editing / Translation
Description: This man is living in and currently halfway through 29 days in an original 1940's telephone booth to create a new world's record category. He's been traveling around America fokr years in this mobile phone booth asking "Can you hear me now Mr. President". This project is an effort to have "America's First National Tree" permanently planted on the White House lawn. This story has been and is currently being covered by TV newscasts, radio and print media.
There is much material and should be a fun undertaking for anyone willing to help me write this book. Thank you.
First of all, who am I to ignore a possible project that starts with the title, "Man lives in phone booth"? Hell, I want to write this as a freaking novel, much less a book. Although I could see some possible questions surrounding the idea of using a phone booth to promote an idea to plant a tree on the White House lawn. Not only does it make little sense, but aren't phones responsible for the destruction of millions of trees needed to string phone lines?
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