Big news for every Chicago "Packers suck!" fan
They've grabbed their best QB since Sid Luckman
On the way is the big-armed, brash Jay Cutler
Memories turn to the '85 Bears and Kevin Butler
Gone are QB throws that made fans say, "What the f$%k, man?!"
But was he worth that crazy-high price?
For a guy who might have an egomaniacal vice?
Gotta hope he's not another Jeff George in disguise
Compare all KC had to give up for the Cassel prize
But for something to work out for the Bears would be nice
Ted Stevens was a good buddy of one Sarah Pailin
Thieving left and right while the economy was failin'
One of the most corrupt politicians alive
Kept on eye on Russia, then retired at the age of 85
Now he gets off scot-free; the Justice Department's bailin'
Sayid runs off after shooting the kid and decking Jin
Juliet and Kate are mad Jack won't save Linus again
Kate says to let a child die just ain't fair
She went back to the island to find Claire
It's off to the smoke monster temple for Richard and Ben
They thought "Dirty Sanchez" was actually his name
I guess only the ACC knows of Greivis's jackass fame
That dirtbag Vasquez ran his mouth one too many times
Memphis pounded the Terps like Greivis with Coronas and limes
Maryland got sent home and the ACC once again looked lame

Bought players for Memphis with the help of World Wide Wes
Then hammered Kentucky for $32 million -- not a penny less
Good luck to the Wildcats with the shady Calipari
He's slimier than an entire plate of raw calamari
Now all eyes are on him -- and on Ashley Judd in a sundress
Last time …
Participate more I'm gonna do
Limrick Fridays are fun as a zoo
Booking hotels for Easter break
All good deals seem to be fake
Can't wait for next week to be through
A title for the goddam Tar Heels
Then they go into the locker room and cop feels
At 34, Psycho T. suffers from 'roid rage
Ready to embark on a career in a cage
Hope they all blow out their knees on banana peels
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