The news broke as the radio blared Foreigner
The announcer as grave as a funeral mourner
“’Roadhouse’ star is now fighting pancreatic cancer,” he said
“Needs help or in five weeks he’ll be dead”
But don’t count him out: nobody puts Patrick Swayze in a corner
Hillary’s finally caught her second wind
Easier when you spread lies by pressing “Send”
Accusing Obama of being a Muslim on the Board of Regents
And saying he refuses to say the Pledge of Allegiance
Thought she was better than that; now on my vote she can’t depend
A lost season is finally winding to an end
For a Pack team that never found out how to defend
From bad chemistry to injuries every day
And Brandon Costner simply forgetting how to play
At least football season is right around the bend
A bombing in crowded Times Square
Gave New Yorkers a helluva scare
Turns out it was some jackass on a bike
Who decided the war he didn’t like
Me neither, but f’ing up the Big Apple sure ain’t fair

A big day for little big man G-Lo
Facing his first round of chemo
It was hard to leave him at the vet today
But he’s been a fighter all the way
Bodes well that today’s the b-day of Uncle Devo
Last time …
A farewell to a weepy Brett Favre
He threw interceptions like Madden does turkey carve
A dark day for sports announcers everywhere
No more living in his garage and smelling his underwear
Hope Peter King has a hunger strike and then does starve
The student body prez from UNC gunned down
Her body left to die on the ground
Our world is in a state of strife
When a car is worth more than a life
Meanwhile, hope dies without a sound
A battle of flops at Cameron Indoor
Bodies will be littered on the floor
Will Tyler the Traveler be called for a foul?
Will Paulus draw charges thanks to K's scowl?
No ACC refs means for these teams no Final Four
Hillary talking about a 3 a.m. call
That a Commander-in-Chief has to answer before the fall
"Obama can't get that phone," she said
"He's too inexperienced, elect me instead"
The truth is that her fat ass has no foreign policy at all
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