Thursday, October 07, 2010

Deep Thoughts By No-Look McFadden: Episode 31

To the fucking toolbag douchebag rectal wizard who thinks it’s a good idea to go for a leisurely bike ride down the right lane of Lynn Road during rush hour, trailed by roughly 60 cars mere inches from his back tire: Get on the sidewalk or take back roads before you kill yourself or someone else.
Bonus tip just because you’re obviously a ‘tard: Flipping off everyone who honks at you will undoubtedly increase the likelihood that it will be you.

Boise State is to football as Butler is to basketball. How the hell are people still not understanding this?

Ben Stein was “cool” for about an eight-year span before everyone realized what a neo-conservative, insufferable, condescending prick he was. So it was good to see Bill Maher put him in his place while simultaneously eviscerating him.

After the Jets faked an injury to stop the clock and give an exhausted defense a much-needed break on primetime national TV against the Dolphins on Sunday Night Football, you just knew the NFL would come down pretty hard on them, being all anti-cheating and all.
Still waiting, Rog.

So apparently, a bunch of firefighters stood by and watched as someone’s house burned down because the owner didn’t pay firefighting dues or some shit.
To quote “Team America: World Police:” “America, fuck yeah!”

R.I.P. to a true NFL legend, George Blanda. Amazing player, amazing story and the anti-Butt Favre to boot.

Apparently, Jin from “Lost” is now part of the “Hawaii 5-0” cast. I guess he never had to leave the island, in the show or in real-life.

Has anyone ever seen former Wolfpack hoopster Jeremy Hyatt and temporary Michigan State coach Don Treadwell in the same place at the same time?

Stanford’s Andrew Luck, welcome to the Complete-Fucking-Dork-Who-Is-Also-A-Tremendous-Quarterback Club.
FYI, it’s just you and Peyton Manning right now.

Need a Christmas idea for your toddler? How about the “Shark Attack” playset from Animal Planet?
Are you fucking kidding me?!
Let me get this straight: you’re targeting an age group (3 years and up) that is just beginning to learn about the water and swimming. And you’re painting a scene of a person in a cage being attacked by a goddam shark?! What?!

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